Thank you for your interest in the Pathway High School!
It is our prayer that this co-op meets your family’s academic needs as well as provide an uplifting, spiritual support group for parents and their children.
All parents and students enrolled in Pathway must agree with, honor
all, and sign off on all of Pathway's Guidelines/Requirements, Statement of Faith, and Code of Conduct.
Questions? Please email us at pathwayhighschool@gmail.com
Statement of Faith
It is our intent to provide our children with a distinctly Christian worldview. While we may hold to denominational differences, we agree on a common statement of faith.
1. We believe the Bible, as originally divinely inspired, is the infallible, inerrant Word of God, and it is the supreme and final authority for all matters of faith and life.
2. We believe that there is one God in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This ONE God is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. This God is also holy, righteous, good, loving and full of mercy, by character. He is the Creator of all things. He sustains all things.
3. We believe in the perfect deity and perfect humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His sacrificial death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, and His bodily return in power and glory.
4. We believe that man was created in the image of God, but chose to sin and is therefore lost and only those who put their faith in Jesus Christ are saved.
5. We believe that salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and is received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose substitutionary death on the cross paid the penalty for man's sin through His shed blood.
6. We believe that the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict men of their sin, indwell, comfort, guide, instruct, and empower the believer for Godly living and service.
7. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers through our common faith in Jesus Christ.
8. We believe the Bible defines marriage as the covenantal, exclusive union of one man and one woman intrinsically ordered for procreation and a biological family. Sexual intimacy is a gift from God and has its proper place only within the context of marriage. Genesis 1:27-28, Genesis 2:18-24, Ephesians 5:31-33 We believe that God created mankind in His image: male (man) and female (woman), sexually different but with equal personal dignity. -Genesis 1:27
Pathway Guidelines and Requirements
Our Guidelines are outlined below, however, the basic requirements and expectations of Pathway participants are:
1. Parents and students must agree with our Statement of Faith.
2. Parents and students must agree to and abide by our requirements and policies and procedures.
3. Parents and students must abide by our standards of behavior, dress code, and code of conduct.
4. For the protection and safety of our children, a background check is required for all adults working at Pathway, including teachers, parents, assistants, and leaders.
5. All families must use the designated curriculum (for each class they are enrolled in) and must agree to study the curriculum on the same schedule as the teacher instructs.
6. All Pathway members will be mindful that we are sharing our space with church employees and staff and make every effort to consider and honor them as we conduct our weekly co-op. This includes, but is it not limited to behavior and adherence to our dress code.
7. We ask that students turn off their cell phones or any other electronic device/s while they are in class. We ask that, during class, they tuck them away in their backpack/bag.
Code of Conduct
All students should be mindful that we are sharing our space with church employees and staff and make every effort to consider and honor them as we conduct our weekly meeting. Students should be respectful of our host church's property at all times. We expect students to clean up after themselves, and be careful with all church property. If your student happens to be in the last class of the day, they will be asked to help return tables and chairs to their original position, take out the trash, vacuum, or whatever else needs to be done. We are a Co-op that meets on church property and will respect all church grounds and facilities. Any student that engages in illegal activity, vandalism, firearms, drugs, or any physical or sexual misconduct/abuse on the church grounds will be asked to leave the premises and will no longer be allowed to continue a relationship with Pathway in addition to reporting said event to the local authorities.
Unsupervised Student Policy
Pathway offers classes from 9:00am – 4:00pm. During this time, high school students may be dropped off for their classes. Please be prompt when picking up your student(s) at the end of their class(es). Parents are welcome to stay at the church, but it is not required. Should a parent drop their student off, or should a student drive themselves to co-op, they are doing so in good faith that their students will be able to be responsible for themselves. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a way that honors God. “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” -1 Corinthians 10:31.
Students will adhere to all Pathway Guidelines at all times, will treat their fellow classmates and teachers with respect, and honor the church/facility and the property. Students are expected to have self-control (Titus 2:11-12), obedience (John 14:23), wholesome talk (Ephesians 4:29), and be kind (Romans 12:10, John 15:12). If a student engages in any behavior that violates these guidelines, they will be prohibited from remaining on campus except for attending their classes or may be excluded from Pathway altogether depending on their offense.
Students will need to be quiet as they come and go as there are classes in session throughout the day on every floor. All high school students are to be on the 3rd floor only, except if they have a class in a 2nd floor room or it is an allotted gym hour for high schoolers use (these are posted every Friday). Once class dismisses, they should either leave the premises or return to the 3rd floor. There is no loitering allowed on the 1st and 2nd floors, in the stairwell corridors, in bathrooms or any other area of the church that has been previously stated. At no time should students use the elevator without permission. If a student has extenuating circumstances, please let leadership know, and we will accommodate.
Pathway leadership will be present at the church all day. Leadership is there to oversee and guide the day, however, students are considered independent when they are dropped off or when they drive themselves. Students are expected to be in their classes when scheduled. Leadership does not monitor class attendance, and will not “search for” students who do not show up. High school students are coming and going all day.
Leadership does not supervise student’s movement, and is not responsible for students who chose to leave campus. Leadership is there to oversee the activities in the church, supervise the high school rooms, and help any student in need. By agreeing to Pathway Guidelines, both parent and student understand that when a student is at the church with or without their parent, the student is responsible and liable for their own actions.
If a problem arises, the Leadership Team will communicate the issue/problem with the students and the parents. Effort will be made to resolve any issues. If the problem is not resolved, Leadership reserves the right to ask a student to not attend classes either temporarily or permanently. If this should happen, there are no refunds for fees or payments.
Be Punctual
Please arrive on time. “On time” means arriving 10 minutes earlier than the class start time. Late arrivals truly put the student and the entire class at a disadvantage.
Driving Students and Parking Lot
Some of the high school students will be driving themselves to class. Drivers need to be aware that Pathway consists of many families with young children, and the parking lot is often busy with church members, children, and families coming and going. Extreme care is to be taken while driving in the parking lot of the church. If any student drives recklessly or endangers anyone in the church parking lot, they will be prohibited from parking anywhere on the church's property
Dress Code
Leigh Bortins (founder of Classical Conversations) says, “There will always be a dress code in any situation; it will either be established by the children and the culture or by mature adults, but it will be there. Let us set one in a way that honors our Father in heaven. That means dressing to please Him and to make others comfortable around us. We are to honor the body of Christ and not our personal desires. A good way to be sure we do this is for daughters to ask their earthly father if they are dressed modestly and not provocatively and for sons to ask their mothers if they are dressed neatly and honorably.”
Good advice. Of course, we recognize that many, perhaps all, of our young men and women will already have reached a level of maturity that makes this reminder unnecessary.
Clothing should be age-appropriate, properly fitted, and suitable for the learning environment.
All students are required to wear appropriate footwear for school. No slippers(except for pajama day), stiletto high heels, or platform high-heeled shoes.
All shirts and tops must cover the midriff at all times. Crop tops are not allowed. No bellies can be shown when bending, stretching, or reaching arms above the head.
The following are examples of clothing that are unacceptable and not allowed: tank tops w/ straps thinner than 2 inches, strapless tops, spaghetti straps, off-the-shoulder shirts, plunging necklines, cut-out designs that reveal bras or bare areas of skin, low-cut shirts that display cleavage, bare-back shirts, sheer, mesh, or skin-tight clothing that does not have an appropriate blouse or shirt underneath or over, etc. Boys must wear shirts with short or long sleeves.
All pants and shorts must fit at the waist. No sagging or low riding will be permitted. Clothing must cover undergarments when sitting, standing, or bending for both girls and boys.
Hemlines and slits on dresses, skirts, and shorts above mid-thigh are not acceptable. Length must have a minimum of a 3 inch in-seam. If the shorts have cut outs or slits that are shorter than 3 inches, they are not allowed (see below).
No athletic shorts are allowed; including, but not limited to: volleyball shorts or Nike Pro type, running shorts, lifting shorts, or spandex shorts.
Fish-net stockings and thigh-high stockings are not allowed.
Girls must wear a bra at all times.
Ripped denim shorts/skirts/jeans with any tears that reveal exposed skin higher than mid-thigh, crotch, or buttocks ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If there is fabric under the rip, that is acceptable. Tights work under ripped jeans is fine.
Clothing, jewelry, and hair accessories that are unsafe and/or dangerous are not permitted.
Bike shorts will be allowed providing the length is mid-thigh with an appropriate shirt covering them. However, shorts must be visible, so that it does not appear that the student is only wearing a t-shirt.
Clothing or jewelry that depicts any gang style, anti-semitic, or satanic writing; illegal activity; sexually related, pornography, or obscene gestures and material; tobacco; drugs; alcohol; or words, pictures, or phrases that depict substance abuse, suicide, violence, racism, sexism, political extremism or religious extremism or intimidation is strictly prohibited.
Political party/candidate graphics are acceptable, providing they are not offensive with any innuendo, etc. “Let’s go Brandon” would be prohibited because of the context and underlying meaning. “Let’s make America great again” is fine as it is also a general statement.
Any body piercing that presents a safety issue or significant distraction will not be allowed.
Any clothing or styles of dress that may be construed to provoke fear, violence, or intimidation is unacceptable.
Pocket knives, firearms, or anything that is considered or could be considered a weapon are all prohibited on campus.
There is to be no smoking, vaping, or the sale of vaping materials on Pathway/the church's campus
It is our goal at Pathway Christian Co-op to provide an environment where students can still express their own personal style whilst complying with our dress code policy.
It is crucial for every student to feel comfortable in our learning environment without having any additional distractions or insecurities, as we understand that adolescence is a challenging time for all children.
In order for us to maintain compliance with our dress code policy, every student and parent/guardian will be required to sign our dress code policy form below. If a student is in violation of the dress code they will be presented with 2 options: 1. They may go home and change, however, Pathway leaders and teachers will not be held liable for any class missed while they are away. OR 2. Pathway leadership will have clean L/XL/XXL t-shirts/sweatpants available for any student that comes to Pathway wearing something that is deemed inappropriate according to the guidelines listed above.
If you or your student are unsure if something will be considered a violation of our guidelines above, please reach out to us, consider a change of clothing prior to arriving at Pathway, or even have an additional layer available with them in the event that they are unsure.
Please know that we understand that it is difficult to navigate the enforcement of a dress code violation and it is not our intention for anyone to feel uncomfortable whether it is a student being required to wear one of our t-shirts/hoodies/sweatpants that will be provided in the event of a dress code violation, but ALSO for any student/teacher/leadership member who is made to feel uncomfortable for said violation.
Pathway leadership is comprised of volunteer, homeschool moms like yourselves, and none of us want to have to address this or confront a student (discreetly) regarding our dress code policy. We feel that it is important and necessary to dress in a way that honors the Lord, the church that allows us to meet on their campus, and also, of course, themselves and their families.
Every parent and student will be required to sign an acknowledgement/agreement of our dress code.
Sometimes it can be a tough call to decide whether or not a student should attend classes on a day they are not feeling well. Let’s try to err on the side of not spreading germs to other families. Of course, in a large group like this, there could be germs and illnesses spread that may be out of any one's control. But, for the times when something can be done, let’s do the most courteous thing, and have your student remain at home if they have had a fever, thrown up in the last 24 hours before classes take place, or are showing other obvious signs of illness. Many of us have multiple children, and when a bug travels through a family, it can take weeks for it to make the rounds and be very disruptive to getting assignments complete. Thank you for being sensitive to this issue.
Classroom Management and Interpersonal Relationships
It is our desire that we: “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” ~Romans 12:10-12.
The standard for behavior in classes, and on the grounds, will be that each of us, whether teacher, parent, helper, or student, honor one another and treat each other with respect and love. Honoring one another means, among many things, that one refrains from speaking when a teacher is speaking, that one looks directly at the speaker or what she/he is presenting - unless taking notes - and in general, that one pays attention while another is talking. Each person should strive to treat others as they would like to be treated. If an offense occurs in class, immediately take the opportunity to encourage the offender to sincerely apologize, as well as the offended, and to be forgiving - Ephesians 4:32, Matthew 6:14, Colossians 3:13.
Let us ALL deal privately, if possible, with the offense and move on. If a student refuses to change their conduct in the classroom, the parent will be made aware of the situation and may be prohibited from attending Pathway.
Pathway strictly prohibits any student from bringing and/or distributing any inappropriate content to Co-op. This includes, but is not limited to anything sexual, pornographic, culturally or racially insensitive, disturbing or evil images, etc. This behavior can and will compromise our ability to meet at the Church.
Pathway does not tolerate bullying in any form against another student, teacher, or member of leadership. In the case of severe disrespect or threatening conduct, whether verbal or written, the offending student, and possibly the entire family, will be removed from the church campus immediately. They will not be allowed back on campus until the situation has been completely resolved. In the case that resolution by all parties involved can not be attained, the leadership team reserves the right to dismiss the student, and possibly the entire family, from further participating in the Pathway. Absolutely no refunds of any kind will be given in these circumstances.
Pathway does not tolerate cheating, in any form, among their students. In the case that this issue ever presents itself, the teachers will handle each case on an individual basis. The issue will be addressed with the student and their parent(s).
If a student, teacher, or parent is unhappy with something - how a class or situation is being conducted, or how another has behaved, he or she (teacher, parent, and student) will not voice their complaint to others, but, in love and prayer, go directly to the person involved in order to seek unity.
He or she will use the procedure laid out for us in Matthew 18:15-17 as a guide to work through these types of situations. If the two parties are unable to resolve their concerns/differences, let the situation then be presented before the Leadership Team. There is no place for gossip, dissension, or unresolved feelings among followers of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We are all striving to raise students who are kind, sensitive to one another, inclusive, and encouraging to one another in all their interactions. Teasing, “put downs”, and picking on have no place in the body of Christ. We will not conform to the patterns of this world, but will be transformed by the renewing of our minds in Christ Jesus. Our goal is to provide a safe place where every participant feels valued and respected as a unique and special creation of our Father in Heaven. It is our prayer that each person feels like a valued member of the co-op as we endeavor to provide an environment for our children that teaches them to love one another in action and in word.
Any and all weapons (firearms, pocket knives) are strictly prohibited from our campus. There are no exceptions.
There is to be no smoking, vaping, or the sale of vaping materials on Pathway's campus
PDA (Public Display of Affection)
On Co-op days, when we come together for learning and fellowship, there is to be no display of affection between couples while on campus. This type of behavior is awkward for everyone and will be addressed with the students and their parents.
Electronic Devices
Pathway does not take responsibility for personal items of any sort. This includes, but is not limited to, iPads, iPods, laptops, cell phones, etc. It is our desire that these items, if not necessary for class, be left at home, in the car, or at the very least, in a backpack. The ultimate handling of these items will be left to the discretion of the teachers, but students are expected to not use electronic devices while in class unless it is necessary for that class. The host church has open WiFi. Please do not view, listen to or discuss anything inappropriate.
***UPDATED: Cell phones and ear buds are required to be docked in every classroom’s docking station during class unless otherwise instructed by teacher for classroom use.***
Leadership Team
If you have any questions or concerns about the facility, how we operate, or any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact us at pathwayhighschool@gmail.com. If your concern is directly related to a class your student is attending, please contact the teacher directly.